Friday, January 6, 2012

A Day in the life of me Day 360

Today was very boring, but also the day before my 6 yr anniversary with Jacob.  Same old, same old.  Nico wanted to come to bed when I laid back down and we just wanted her to stay in her cage and she went nuts, so I took her and her cage and put her in the other room.  She went insane.  I got fed up with her and put her in the bed with us.  She wanted to play and I was wide awake and it was only about 8am.  I finally just took her downstairs and fed her.  She will normally curl up to you after you feed her.  No!  She ran upstairs and whined at the bedroom door.  After bringing her back downstairs twice, I blocked the bottom of the stairs and thought she would settle down.  That worked for about 10-15min.  She then went to the bottom of the stairs and started to whine.  I got tired of hearing it and telling her to stop and come to me, so I picked her up and took her to Jacob.  I told him what she'd been doing and he nodded and immediately started to snore.  I left her there and closed the door.  I straightened up the kitchen a little.  The pest control guy was coming and I didn't want our house to look completely horrible.  That was really the only messy area.  A downer is that my charger for my laptop pretty much bit the dust today.  The end of it broke off and therefore my computer won't charge.  Damn seizures.  I had one and I knocked my computer over and it pulled and snapped!  Yay, go me.
So, here's a cool thing.  I love Zoo World 2 on FB, and I found out today that they made a few changes and I absolutely love them!  It is more addicting now!  OK.  Off to go play my game again.

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