Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Day in the life of me Day 363


Today seemed really long and I accomplished absolutely nothing.  I woke up with Nico around 9:30am.  Normally that's not a big deal, but we didn't go to bed until 5am.  I then tossed and turned all night (well, for about 4hrs).  After I took her out, I was going to feed her and put her back to bed, she decided to run upstairs and curl up to Jacob.  I was going to just climb in bed and go to sleep, but she then wanted to play.  I brought her downstairs after closing the bedroom door and fed her and we curled up on the couch and went back to sleep.  Hours later we both had to potty and we both ate and went back to sleep around 1pm.  I watched a little bit of netflix in there.  When I woke up next, I looked at the clock and realized Jacob still wasn't up and it was after 3pm!  I quickly went upstairs in fear that he would be mad at me for not waking him sooner.  Thankfully he wasn't, he instead started talking about some dream he had with 3 RV's and his mom.  Totally tuned him out after that.  That was pretty much the extent of my day.  We watched Zookeeper.  It was pretty good.  I thought about doing other things, but for some reason, I have just been so tired today.  I guess I will stop talking about my boring life and go for now.  Hopefully I'll go to the store and buy food tomorrow!  We have food, I just would like some veggies and fresh fruit!  I also like to have more of an option of what I eat other than, "this is the last thing of meat.  What should we do with it?  And I guess we should go to the store soon."  type of thing.  We're not there yet, but I just have this itch to have some more healthy options.  This is my year to regain my health!  I want to be down a few pounds when I go in for a follow up in a month.  Here's hoping.  Wish me luck!  Here's looking at tomorrow.

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