Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Day in the life of me Day 358


Today started off kinda rocky.  Because Jacob and I slept so much yesterday, we didn't get to bed until almost 6am.  Nico curled up to me all day yesterday and in bed until I put her in her cage shortly after we turned the tv off.  I got Jacob to agree to let me keep her in the bed with us and then when we laid down, I put her in her cage...what was the sense in that?  I wake up a little while later and notice that she's crawling under my blanket and curling up to me.  I quickly thought...did I forget to close her cage, oh well.  She's already in here, I'll go back to sleep.  I woke up around 8:30 to go to the bathroom and I figured since I was up, I would take the dog out...didn't want any accidents.  I brought her back in (mind you, it was super cold out), tried to lay back down and get a few more hours of sleep, but she wanted to play and so I picked her up b/c she had just woke Jacob up, and I quickly told him I was going to feed her and lay with her on the couch, and I had to ask how she got back in the bed.  He told me that she was whining and so he let her out and she had been in bed ever since.  So, basically here's what happened...I put dog in her crate, close door, crawl into bed(which is 2ft away), go back to sleep and fell into a really deep sleep that I didn't hear the dog!  That never happens to me.  I always hear her and he never does.  I'm wondering if my body is still trying to fight off the remainders of the winter cold that I had?  Anywho.  I decided to do this now instead of later because I want to try to get something creative done tonight.  I've done some cleaning and now I want to use my creative juices!  I'll share what I did with you tomorrow!

A Day in the life of me Day 359

Today was mine and Jacob's 6yr anniversary!  I can't believe we made it this long.  We have had some really rough times and a lot of great times.  We have told everyone that the success to our relationship is the fact that we don't share  a blanket at night!  LOL  I know that sounds funny, but there is a lot of truth to it.  He snores really bad and sometimes I have to sleep on the couch because I can't sleep, therefore, I like to have my own blanket.  It's things like this, that we are able to overcome that some people aren't.  I could kick him out of bed and make him sleep on the couch, but I am able to sleep just about anywhere, he doesn't sleep very well anywhere else but our own bed.
Anywho.  I am excited to get started on some crafting soon.  I have a lot in mind to get started!  I got 4 catalogs from Oriental Trade Company today and now I wish I had a lot of money to buy a lot of stuff.  Not that I need any of it, but I have so many ideas for the things that I would buy!  
Jacob and I had a relaxing anniversary.  We cuddled with our puppy and just took it easy.  We watched Grandma's Boy, which is the movie we went to see on our first date.  It was a dirty movie to see on a first date and neither one of us realized just how dirty it was going to be.  But now, we try to watch it on our anniversary just to remember our first date.  He told me that he was sorry that it wasn't more eventful, but I am thankful for a relaxing day.  We made our own strombolis!  They came out delicious!  Jacob's was all meat, mine was just ham and cheese and we both loved them!  Well, that's all for today and we'll see if I can get some crafting done tomorrow!

Friday, January 6, 2012

A Day in the life of me Day 360

Today was very boring, but also the day before my 6 yr anniversary with Jacob.  Same old, same old.  Nico wanted to come to bed when I laid back down and we just wanted her to stay in her cage and she went nuts, so I took her and her cage and put her in the other room.  She went insane.  I got fed up with her and put her in the bed with us.  She wanted to play and I was wide awake and it was only about 8am.  I finally just took her downstairs and fed her.  She will normally curl up to you after you feed her.  No!  She ran upstairs and whined at the bedroom door.  After bringing her back downstairs twice, I blocked the bottom of the stairs and thought she would settle down.  That worked for about 10-15min.  She then went to the bottom of the stairs and started to whine.  I got tired of hearing it and telling her to stop and come to me, so I picked her up and took her to Jacob.  I told him what she'd been doing and he nodded and immediately started to snore.  I left her there and closed the door.  I straightened up the kitchen a little.  The pest control guy was coming and I didn't want our house to look completely horrible.  That was really the only messy area.  A downer is that my charger for my laptop pretty much bit the dust today.  The end of it broke off and therefore my computer won't charge.  Damn seizures.  I had one and I knocked my computer over and it pulled and snapped!  Yay, go me.
So, here's a cool thing.  I love Zoo World 2 on FB, and I found out today that they made a few changes and I absolutely love them!  It is more addicting now!  OK.  Off to go play my game again.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Day in the life of me Day 361


Today was really simple.  I didn't end up going to bed until about 6am.  I just couldn't seem to sleep.  And of course it's an early morning for Nico.  She wanted up around 8.  I almost fell down the stairs trying to take her out this morning.  That was a little scary.  I took back upstairs and Jacob ended up taking care of her for awhile.  She curled up to me for a bit, but then wanted to play.  Jacob got up to work and took her with him.  I guess after awhile she wanted to be with me and I woke up to her curling up to me again.  She is so loving.  I think I figured out why I felt so weird yesterday.  When I went to take my meds last night, I found that Thursday nights was already gone, therefore, I must've taken a double dose of everything.  All of my meds make me dizzy and tired.  I'm thinking that's what happened.  We'll never know, but I hope that's why.  I've done a little laundry and gone on a walk with Jacob and the puppy and that's about all I've done today.  We watched 3-4 episodes of Grey's anatomy.  He normally doesn't like to watch multiples of one show, (but I can binge on a show that I love), but at the end of the first episode, you had to watch the next one b/c it left you hanging.  You would've thought that it was the end of the season for every episode we watched tonight, the last one was, but the others weren't.  That's a sign of a good show though.  I need to go finish my laundry.  I'm letting Jacob sleep with the window open tonight because it is that nice out.  Who would've thought on January 5th that it would be this nice.  It's supposed to be about 60 for the next 2-3 days.  Alright, I'm gonna stop rambling.  We'll see what tomorrow brings!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Day in the life of me Day 362


Today was a somewhat productive.  I slept some and played with Nico.  About 3pm, I went to see if Jacob was done with his work for the day.  He was almost done, so I sat on the floor with the dog and waited for him.  He kept asking me if I was ok and how my seizures were.  I kept telling him I was fine and I hadn't had any seizures.  He told me that my head kept bobbing and asked if I would stop.  I could somewhat feel it, but I felt like something was wrong.  I took a shower and Jacob laid on the bed and played with the dog.  He asked me if I was ok a few times while I was in the shower.  I guess I kept bobbing and moving my head weird.  I then had a headache.  I don't know what was wrong, but about 30-45 min after my shower, it finally went away.  We then went to pick up my meds and head to the post office.  We took a bus from the stop in front of the pharmacy and went to the post and dropped things off and headed to the grocery store.  across the street from the grocery store is a cheap cinema.  I am going to have to give it a try!  It may be small and cheap, but it's still something that we could walk to.  3-3.50 a show is within our budget.  
Before we left, Jacob put Nico in her cage, which was upstairs and we heard her going nuts.  I told him maybe that she was doing that because she was upstairs.  He brought her downstairs thinking that she would calm down and go to sleep when we left.  She was so loud and making noises that we hadn't ever heard from her, that we were almost afraid to leave her.  She kept clawing at her cage and being so loud that I was afraid that someone might hear her and call somebody on us.  She made it sound like we were having dog fights or something.  If that gives you any idea to how loud and crazy she sounded.  We think that she was doing this just b/c we hadn't left her alone for probably at least a month.  Hopefully she was just acting out and she won't do this anymore.  Anywho.  I'm ready for bed and hoping that I sleep well tonight.  Sleep well friends!  We'll see what tomorrow brings!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Day in the life of me Day 363


Today seemed really long and I accomplished absolutely nothing.  I woke up with Nico around 9:30am.  Normally that's not a big deal, but we didn't go to bed until 5am.  I then tossed and turned all night (well, for about 4hrs).  After I took her out, I was going to feed her and put her back to bed, she decided to run upstairs and curl up to Jacob.  I was going to just climb in bed and go to sleep, but she then wanted to play.  I brought her downstairs after closing the bedroom door and fed her and we curled up on the couch and went back to sleep.  Hours later we both had to potty and we both ate and went back to sleep around 1pm.  I watched a little bit of netflix in there.  When I woke up next, I looked at the clock and realized Jacob still wasn't up and it was after 3pm!  I quickly went upstairs in fear that he would be mad at me for not waking him sooner.  Thankfully he wasn't, he instead started talking about some dream he had with 3 RV's and his mom.  Totally tuned him out after that.  That was pretty much the extent of my day.  We watched Zookeeper.  It was pretty good.  I thought about doing other things, but for some reason, I have just been so tired today.  I guess I will stop talking about my boring life and go for now.  Hopefully I'll go to the store and buy food tomorrow!  We have food, I just would like some veggies and fresh fruit!  I also like to have more of an option of what I eat other than, "this is the last thing of meat.  What should we do with it?  And I guess we should go to the store soon."  type of thing.  We're not there yet, but I just have this itch to have some more healthy options.  This is my year to regain my health!  I want to be down a few pounds when I go in for a follow up in a month.  Here's hoping.  Wish me luck!  Here's looking at tomorrow.

Monday, January 2, 2012

A Day in the life of me Day 364

Today was my brother, Dale's birthday.  Not really being in contact with that part of my family(not for the lack of trying), I posted him a Happy Birthday message via Facebook.  I haven't done a whole lot today.  I was able to accomplish 3 loads of laundry yesterday and today I just watched Netflix.  I got Jacob X Men: First Class on blu-ray, for Christmas and since we had been sick, I didn't want to watch it until I knew that I wasn't going to fall asleep during it.  It was so awesome!  It was a kick ass movie!  That was my exciting day!  Yay for me!  Let's see what tomorrow brings! 

A Day in the life of me Day 365

I was on a blog recently, I don't remember who's blog it was, but I do remember a great idea for  a project.  She suggested that you write something in a notebook or anything of your choosing, each day, for 365 days.  After that, you then read it or share it and see what your life was like for 1 whole year!  I think this is a project I am going to try out.  I am going to start it on here and try to eventually convert it to a notebook.  Hopefully this will be fun for me and whomever decides to eventually read this!  So, here we go...
My day started off ok.  Jacob, myself and our 6 month old puppy, Nico, stayed at a friend's house for New Year's.  We left there around 11am and came home and went back to sleep on the couches.  People kept giving the puppy things she normally doesn't have and therefore she was pretty sick.  Poor baby!  All I really did was sleep and catch up on some blog reading and try to start this back up again.  Hopefully I can keep this up and maybe actually get somebody interested in my blog.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  2012 is going to be a great year!  This past year has been a rough one, but I see this year being a totally awesome one!  I have done a lot of soul searching and a lot of learning about how I can use my love for arts and crafts and my talents in that area, this past year!  I have learned so much and I am going to see what I can do this year! 
Here's some tunes!  Have a good one!